Stereo Modus

Stereo Modus

Members: Alexander Gorbatch

Location: Novosibirsk, Russia

Style: ElectronicAmbientIDM

Equipment and program: PC Windows 7CubaseReaktor


Side projects: no

More info
Alexander Gorbatch aka Stereo Modus hail from Novokuznetsk, Siberia, Russia. A hybrid, their sound is more Boards of Canada than it is banging Techno.“The historical roots of the musical collective Stereo Modus go back to the first half of the XVII century, when the gloomy Siberian peasants, scattering the few aborigines, founded the first settlement on the banks of the river Tom. Two factors significantly influenced the nature of creativity of local residents. This is a harsh continental climate (winter in these parts lasts up to 10 months as scientists will tell you) and constant external threat to peace and existence: the devastating raids of nomads, the abundance of prey animals - So, bears to this day frequent guests on the streets of Novokuznetsk, and hunting, everyone in competition - such is an inherent attribute of life of Stereo Modus, as a toothbrush or a computer.” Quotes courtesy of A. Bloch, Ph.D., Novokuznetsk, Siberia


OTR103OTR103 Restitutio In Integrum
electronic, ambient, idm

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